Grow like a pro!
Make your business:
Grow profitably
Grow predictably
Grow automatically

Grow like a pro!
Make your business:
Grow profitably
Grow predictably
Grow automatically

The market problem
Too many companies waste money by testing and trying out marketing that they don’t know what will generate before they have tried it out. We at Wekst call that “market gambling”.
Our solution
At Wekst we invest money into systems that according to precalculations we know will be profitable right away. It’s not just marketing, it’s a way of building businesses to grow systematically.
“Invest, don’t gamble”

About Wekst
Wekst helps companies grow profitably, predictable and automatically through:
1. The Survival Phase
This phase is where new businesses or struggling businesses are. They need to use their assets (time/money) very carefully in order to survive. Too big mistakes could be the end for them, so it’s critical to make the right and smart decisions.
2. The Stabilization Phase
This where a struggling business has managed to get through the survival phase. They get a bit more business, things look a bit brighter and they are ready to establish as a true threat in their market. The clue here is to reinvest earnings into new systems to predictably get business streaming in on autopilot.
3. The Domination Phase
Now we’re talking! These businesses have managed to challenge the current market leaders and challengers, and now they are hungry for domination. They are ready to take higher risks with spending money on systems that does not necessarily generate direct return on investment, but brand themselves to dominate as many areas where their customers/clients are present. The branding will generate value over time that’s harder to directly track ROI for, but will rather build the awareness and liking for the brand so people will search for your brand instead of the generic product or service when the want to solve their problem. This is where your competitors shiver out of fear since the market goes directly to you.
They way to win the competition is to outspend your competitors on marketing.
Wekst at the core
Wekst vision
To help as many companies as possible to survive and become a profitable business.
Wekst Mission
To develop processes and tools that are so powerful that any businesses that use them, will experience growth.
Wekst Values
We care about you, we care about your growth and we care about the world economy. We do care about Wekst as well, and the best way we do that, is to care about you first. If you grow, we grow. Too many companies goes bankrupt and it is a huge problem. We believe that a main driver for that has to do with not caring enough. You need to care, and we need to lead with by being a good example. We put our pride aside and constantly dig for improvement. Your problems are our priority, so we genuinely care about solving problems where we have or can acquire expertise.
You should focus on results, that’s why we do it. Weather you grow or decrease your revenue/profits, it’s an honest and objective metric measured by numbers.
Results are the center of our products and services, Wekst’s offer shall always contribute with improvement, if i doesn’t we need to take that problem seriously and make it work, or learn why it doesn’t work to make sure that people avoid that mistake again.
We can’t improve without honesty. We take ownership to mistakes and are transparent with our stake holders.